Apr 12, 2022

Basketball 2022 Competed!

Another year for Ezra to sit in the stands and wait for his turn...
Aliza's first year experience with CHIEF sports!  She was lucky enough to be on a B-team and have Dad as her coach.
Malia's first year in high school basketball.
Lots of hair braiding.
We spent a couple of tournaments in the Wichita area staying at Tony's parent's house.  That was a blessing!
During a Wichita tourney, Ezra was able to stay one night with the Torpens at a family friend's house to fish.
Nationals is an annual highlight of the year!
This is such a sweet time of sharing life with not only the kids, but the families that live together for a week, preparing meals, getting less sleep, driving hours and hours to games, finding places to picnic, doing devotions together, getting Andy's frozen custard, etc.

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